
You are currently viewing archive for May 2010
Category: Buz Words
Posted by: bagheljas
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is not simply a technology or a product: it's a style of design, with many aspects like architectural, methodological and organizational unrelated to the actual technology such as implementing an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) in an application stack.

SOA is the new generation distributed computing platform whose components and sub-systems are a service provider to the enterprise and/or cross enterprise than a project. SOA design pattern(s) expects you to conceptualize, implement and manage re-usable business function(s) of an enterprise as a service.

Primarily, SOA services consumers and providers interacts using decoupled interfaces to promote the efficiency, agility and productivity in an enterprise for designing, implementing and managing business functions. In business terms, SOA enables an organization to leverage economies of scale and scope in their products and services offerings.

Service is a function that is well defined, self contained, and doesn't depend on the state of other service(s). In some cases, a service provider is a service consumer as well. If the services are consumed over HTTP(S), than it's called Web Services. HTTP(S) is the application protocol mostly used for SOA Services, also known as SOA Web Services. Usually, the request and response from the services is an XML.

An Enterprise SOA is expected to create a collaborative environment without worrying about underlying heterogeneous processes, tools, and technologies of other services. SOA services platforms are expected to be stateless, secure, scalable, available, backward compatible, and meet the Service Level Agreements (SLA), and Service Level Expectations (SLE).
Category: General
Posted by: bagheljas

  • DOORS offers requirements management tool for systems and advanced IT applications by enabling us to optimize requirements communication, collaboration and verification — throughout your organization and across your supply chain.

  • RequisitePro offers development team to manage their requirements, write good use cases, improve traceability, and strengthen collaboration.

  • ClearCase offers complete software configuration management solution that provides sophisticated version control, workspace management, parallel development support and build auditing.

  • ClearQuest offers comprehensive software change management that provides change tracking, process automation, reporting and lifecycle traceability.

  • Build Forge offers an adaptive execution framework that automates software assembly processes to help teams standardize repetitive tasks.

  • Method Composer offers a flexible process management platform with the industry's most comprehensive tooling and richest process library to help companies implement effective processes for successful software and IT projects.

  • Functional Tester provides testers to automate functional, regression, GUI and data-driven testing.

  • Performance Tester provides testers with automated performance testing capabilities to validate scalability of web and server based applications.

  • AppScan provides quality assurance teams to find and remediate security vulnerabilities earlier in the development processes for the web applications.

  • Quality Manager provides quality assurance teams with means to track and manage quality life cycle to seamlessly share information, use automation to accelerate project schedules, and reports on project metrics.

  • Test Lab Manager provides quality assurance teams with means to track and manage test lab inventory to configure, build and optimize the utilization of test lab environment.

  • Tivoli Provisioning Manager helps automates software release deployment to servers and desktops.


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