
You are currently viewing archive for April 2009
Category: Buz Words
Posted by: bagheljas
End User Monitoring is a process of using a tool or technology that enables us to simulate a user session for define intervals and generating the performance reports for an application.

Apache JMeter usually used for Unit, Regression and Load Testing for applications, but one could leverage for EUM as well. Mercury BAC and Keynote are the commercial solutions for EUM.
Category: Buz Words
Posted by: bagheljas
Internet Applications are expected to be Accessible Anywhere and Anytime i.e. AAA Expectations. That demands lot of discipline in design and deployment from an Internet Application.
Category: Buz Words
Posted by: bagheljas
Most people think, SaaS is a web application but SaaS is an application that serves the customers over network. In today's world from a network application our expectations are that it’s available 24x7x365 days and accessible from anywhere through a thin client. In short these expectations are AAA i.e. accessible any where and any time. That demands a lot of discipline in design and deploying a SaaS.

How many of you heard of Application Service Providers i.e. ASP? SaaS is nothing but an old wine in new bottle version of ASP.
Category: Buz Words
Posted by: bagheljas
Logical Tiers (LT) >= Physical Tiers (PT)

For N Nodes in each Tier Operations Complexity Index (OCI) is calculated as
OCI = (LT-PT+1)*(N^(PT-1))

For N=4; LT=PT
3 Tier = 16, 4 Tier = 64, and 5 Tier = 256

For N=4, LT-PT=1
3 Tier = 8, 4 Tier = 32, and 5 Tier = 128
Category: Buz Words
Posted by: bagheljas
Its all about making technical decision(s) to create business value while minimizing the operations complexity and issues to make the IT solutions and services financially viable to you and your clients.
Category: Buz Words
Posted by: bagheljas
Cloud Computing is OnDemand Availability of Computing Services over the Wire. Cloud Computing's foundation is the virtualization and provisioning of computing services using APIs, Infrastructure as Code(IaC), or Self Service Portals. Cloud Computing has Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Function as a Service(FaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) as its service building blocks.
Cloud Computing


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