
You are currently viewing archive for May 2023
Category: Best Practices
Posted by: bagheljas
Industry-leading Process uniquely establishes the People, Process, and Technology popularly known as PPT Models for the Deployment Model, Operating Model, and Center of Excellence for the enterprises for the new implementations of an Enterprise Data Platform. While for the existing Enterprise Data Platform, we review and revise these Models. The process consists of three phases Assess, Deploy, and Operate.

Enterprise Data Platform Lifecycle
I strongly believe in that Enterprise Data Platform Modernization is an Enterprise Journey, not a Milestone. Hence, the process loops back inputs from the Operating Model and Center of Excellence to review and revise PPT Models of the Deployment Model, Operating Model, and Center of Excellence for the Enterprise Data Platform. We highly recommend performing this minimum of twice a calendar year due to the speed and volume of innovations in the data domain.


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