22/01: Java Messaging Service (JMS)

Category: Buz Words
Posted by: bagheljas
JMS is the Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) from J2EE platform that facilitates the asynchronous distributed communication between software components and applications. Alternatively, JMS provides the decoupled interface for exchanging information between software components and applications. The software components and applications may or may not be build in J2EE.

JMS supports the following two models for message delivery.
  • Point-to-Point (Queue)
  • Publish and Subscribe (Topic)

Misc JMS Terms
  • Provider: An implementation of the JMS interface for a Message Oriented Middleware(MOM) acts as Message Store.
  • Client: An application or process that produces and/or consumes messages.
  • Producer: A JMS client that posts messages into the Message Store.
  • Consumer: A JMS client that receives messages from the Message Store.
  • Message: An object that contains the data being transferred between JMS clients.
  • Queue: Message is consumed only once by a JMS client from the Message Store.
  • Topic: Message could be consumed by multiple JMS client from the Message Store.

Enterprise class MOMs providers are expected to scale, highly available, ensure message delivery, and support client application(s) for multiple platforms and technologies.


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