
You are currently viewing archive for May 2014
Category: General
Posted by: bagheljas
The Data Center Migration Timeline is directly influenced by the following factors:
  • Transformation Objectives and In-flight Enterprise Initiatives
  • Business, Technology and Applications Constraints driven move groups and available maintenance windows
  • Miscellaneous vendors SLAs and time needed for the procurement, build and validation phases
  • Organization’s maturity - availability of infrastructure (Network, Compute and Storage), applications and business data related to source environment
  • Stake holders’ resource plan and skills & maturity level
  • Swing infrastructure (Network, Compute and Storage) availability and migration tools capabilities
  • Security and Compliance Needs
  • Migration Methods Needed and Utilized:
    • Physical Moves (Lift-n-Shift)
    • Logical Moves (Server Image and Data over Wire)
    • Green Field (Build and Deploy)
  • Environment Nature and Size:
    • Number of Physical Devices
    • Number of Operating System Instances
    • Number of Applications & Types
    • Total Storage
    • Number of Databases and Total Size
    • Number of File Shares and Total Size
    • Number of Network Zones and VLANs
    • Number of Firewalls and Load Balancers Rules
    • Number of Components between End User(s) and Server(s)
    • Number of Data Centers and WAN Sites
    • Number of Environments in SDLC
    • SDLC Types & Timelines


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