
You are currently viewing archive for March 2016
Category: General
Posted by: bagheljas
Disaster Recovery Solutions design is driven by the following recovery objectives:
  • Recovery Point Objective: Worse case data loss is acceptable for applications for a disaster event.
  • Recovery Performance Objective: Application need to perform at the same level as primary site or we can limit user access or ok to have degraded performance for applications if disaster happens.
  • Recovery Functionality Objective: Functionality of applications needed at same level as primary site or can they operate with limited functionality.
  • Recovery Location Objective: Location characteristics such as power grid, distance relative to primary sites and corporate offices
  • Recovery Time Objective: Worse case of Time to recover for applications for a disaster event
  • Recovery Redundancy Objective: Defines the redundancy objective for the Disaster Recovery Site such as same as Primary Site or certain layer as production and while others have no redundancy

We often find that these objectives together help us define DR tiers such as Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze to fit into a budget to deliver DR capability for an enterprise.


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