03/30: SixR
Enterprise Applications Rationalization (EAR) produces an Applications Disposition Plan (ADP) for starting or continuing an enterprise Journey 2 Cloud(J2C). The Applications Disposition Plan refers to the following SixR:
- Retire: Either the Business Function can be served by another Application in the Portfolio or Not in Use
- Retain: Presently Optimized keep As is or Not in Scope or No Business Value in Changing Deployment
- Rehost: Lift-n-Shift or Tech Refresh to Infrastructure As a Service(IaaS) Deployment
- Replace: Replace the business function with Software As a Service(SaaS) Deployment
- Replatform: Replace the systems architecture with Function As a Service(FaaS), Platform As a Service(PaaS), or Container As a Service(CaaS) Deployment
- Rewrite: Rewrite with Cloud Native, or Open Source Architectures and Technologies
03/05: Digital BizCard
The views expressed in the blog are those of the author and do not represent necessarily the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company. Assumptions made in the study are not reflective of the stand of any entity other than the author. Since we are critically-thinking human beings, these views are always subject to change, revision, and rethinking without notice. While reasonable efforts have been made to obtain accurate information, the author makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy.
The views expressed in the blog are those of the author and do not represent necessarily the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company. Assumptions made in the study are not reflective of the stand of any entity other than the author. Since we are critically-thinking human beings, these views are always subject to change, revision, and rethinking without notice. While reasonable efforts have been made to obtain accurate information, the author makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy.